When you know you aren't going to be together for 6+ months!
We are having a good time spending lots of time together as well as at the beach... Heath has to catch as many waves as possible; the waters in Kuwait are shark infested.
I am still just loving teaching and loving getting out before 11am.
Heath has leadership classes this week as well as last so he also gets out early...
This has been a great blessing!
I have been getting more emotional the closer we get to the departure date.
This has to be normal...
But I still just don't know how to prepare for our time apart…
Really I just want to get it over with…
Hopefully time will also fly once he is in Kuwait!
Hi there you two - I got the site address from your Grandma Phyl.
This is Carol Jo Rotrock in good old Clawson Michigan.
I'm wishing you both love and happiness.
Thanks for sharing!
Take care,
Rhianon, there's nothing really that you can do to fully prepare yourself for something like this. At least you have a great network of friends that will be able to get you through and keep you busy, which most of us know helps time fly. You know that if you every need anything, we are here for you. Just call or stop by. Love ya, Tam, Noka & baby Duong
Hey Rhianon.
welcome to the blogging world!
i started one a few months ago too:
take care,
hey rhianon (and Heath)
holly and lisa told me what was going on...and i wanted to let you know you both are in jasen and i's thoughts...
if we can do anything..please let us know.
we care for you both...
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