For me, I studied everyday for 8-12 hours for a giant certification test. If I passed, I only have 2 more to take to be "No Child Left Behind" compliant and will have my official California Teaching Credential in Geoscience and Art.
Saturday I took the test, I think I did alright, I used all 5 hours.
Heath's plan during my test was to go out on a charter boat fishing...
Which brings this back to Heath and the point of this post.
#1: Thursday, Heath was going to ride his bike to work, and home...

... on the way home... thorns in the tires. (today he got his 3rd flat)
#2 Friday, Heath was going to go golfing while I studied...

... when he opened the trunk (for the first time back from vacation), he discovered that all the metal in the trunk had began to rust and ooze.
#3 Saturday, Heath was going to go fishing...

... but on the way, he got into a little fender bender... on the way home from that he was almost hit in much larger accident.
Lets just say Heath is laying low these days...
And we are shorter on cash than expected.